This was supposed to be the prompt "Post canon" for but I ended up throwing my own au into it for fun because everyone voted yes

3 12

OKAY!!! thats my done! A week late BUT DONE 🥰

Enjoy the content 👁👁

9 24

- Day 7 (a little late) - Free Day - my muse AU is 2 years old now so I wanted to celebrate!

4 32

day 6 (post-canon)

165 1010

opposites attract but make it a music au 🎸🎻

Day 7: Free day

119 552

day 6 post cannon.
I picture Caesar having many spiraling scars. I don’t think he lost any limbs but instead his muscles and tendons were severely damaged so he has to sometime use walking aids like a cane ect. I picture him wearing corsets for back support.

7 24

Day 5: Marriage
con un final feliz. ayy, me recordó al fic tercermundista de el día que se conocieron.

3 14

day 5 final hamon/marriage. I was actually going to draw them getting married but I could decide on a pose so we get the other prompt. (Don’t worry it ties into the next days drawing)

5 39

Day 4: Kiss
This took me longer than expected😩

60 204

day 4 : kiss 💋 sort of a follow up to what i drew for yesterday's prompt~


32 123

Day 4. Kiss
- Distant Kiss -

My love for you is eternal.

44 166

Day 3: fashion
I had to finish this one in a rush, I don't like how it turned out😭

44 171

"We brought you some tequila~"
day 3 of Tequila (and Grappa)🍾

35 93

"You ha e beautiful eyes, pal"
Day 3: Tequila. This is not what you mean but yeah 🤠

14 78