29° Prompt is Pumpkins
I did it for a contest, but I had confused the topic.

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27° Prompt is Grimoire 📔📔🪄
Reading, reading and again reading!

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26° Prompt is Owl
I didn't know what to draw, so I drew She with a barn owl, in Italian is "barbagianni", try to repete it and enjoy!
Character fuct: she have some burns on his legs and feets.

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25° Prompt is Black Dog
Ian with a sweet puppy ✨❤️

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22° Prompt is Skull
I drew my ocs without their masks; but in the fact, King Raven's skull is a Crown. 👑👑

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19° Prompt is Witch
A joung daredevil witch 💚💚

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17° Prompt is Bear 🐻🐻
"You have to study to be a good witch"

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15° Prompt is Snake
Good night 💚🐍🐍
I was without inspiration today, so I drew the two characters going to bed early.

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13° Prompt is Kelpie
I just love so much these water horses, and I draw them really often! So I decided to draw she with a Kelpie!! 🌿💚🌿💚
P.s: that red thing isn't an apple! 👌👌

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12° Prompt is Shaman
In this pic Erik is real young and he summoned a wolf from world of the spirits.
I really like wolves, so I'm really satisfied to draw finally Erik with one of this creature.

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10° Prompt is Woods
The oldest forests was a seed 🌿💚

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5° Prompt is Berserker
Just Erik and Ian and blood.

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2° Prompt is Crystal
Green witch with her python for a powerful ritual.

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1° Prompt is Mushrooms
So I drew my oc Sean eating a mushroom soup!

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