Clawdia(for my supporters 支援者限定)|piyotycho|pixivFANBOX

12 111

Clawdia for a commission(for my supporters 支援者限定公開)|piyotycho|pixivFANBOX

40 588

It's available to purchase my 3 comics on eBay, by AliceBooks shop on eBay.(UvU
Bonyeer the Aromatic Iron Maiden...
Hornpot and Clawdia the Rich Breasts...
Bonyeer the Aromatic the Wolf's Night...

17 81

5/26 COMITIA148 「BlackDwarf(え29a)」にて参加します!新刊は「Yunka in Junk 」既刊は「Bonyeer the Aromatic the wolf's Night」「Hornpot and Clawdia Clawdia's study」を持っていきます(UvU

16 111

「Clawdia's Study」と「Wolf's Night」の電子書籍バージョンの販売をメロンブックさまにて開始しました(UvU
It's available to order my comics "Clawdia's Night" and "Wolf's Night" as e-comics on MelonBooks.(UvU

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コレが9年前のHornpot and Clawdia。変わったところもあれば変わらぬところもあるな。さてサンタさんのために私のアマゾンリストをシェアしますね!w This is the image 9 years ago. I can see changes and no change. I put on my amazon list here for Santa!haha

16 167

コミケット103向け新刊 の予約が始まりました!以下Web Shopにて受付中です(UvU
My new comic for Comiket103 started to pre-order thoes web shops. (UvU
Alice Books...

27 165

10 h drawing of draculaura. If Cysia makes Clawdeen it will be a collab. Give this vampire some love.
☆ By the way I have 500 followers should I do a giveway?

2 17

What are three characters that inspired your design?

Clawdeen, Draculaura and Elvira are mine!

0 1

Hiyojun as Draculaura and Clawdeen!

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recently watched why do ghouls fall in love and i just had to draw clawdeen i love her birthday party outfit the suit, suits her so well!!

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