Folklore, even when it wears a deathly visage, is a living current. Its blood is not book ink, but ale begged in pubs. Its stories clothe themselves and walk the streets, jump into our dreams. In its telling, our dance with land and memory. –

22 125

The rituals of the Bone Horse are not an exorcism of our wild nature, our buried ancestral fears, but a celebration of them. - BBC National Programme talk ‘On the Dance of the Bone Horse’, 1935

47 231

For folklore tells us this truth, the ultimate monster is man. All others are but reflections in dark pools. -

52 177

In the hills above the Marshbone Vale there is always talk of at least one barn where changeling child has been exiled to. Always rumour of that child growing through its sickly stage to hate those who keep it locked away. -

22 136

I am against anything which reduces the space for strangeness. Reduces the shadows available to monsters to hide in. The extinction of any mythic creature is a personal pain to me and a loss to wonderfulness of the world. -

58 228

Monsters made in the minds of children, stuffed with undigested teeth, wearing a patchwork skin scarred by wood sprite whips, roam this twilight. They can be seen by all who have a child’s eye for folklore. -

19 94

Of course, to the outside, many a true magical order just looks like a group of men wearing odd hats and with a penchant for clutching over-sized sticks. Yet true magic is often as ridiculous as it is strange. - on the ‘Wand Men’ of Thornfell.

40 160

Those stretches of sodden, reclaimed land, those often drowned meadows, the King-Under-the-Sea does not forgive their theft. He has cursed them to strangeness while he waits to take them back. -

19 96

England is deep ghost soil. Its best harvests are the stories and strangeness that do so well in it. Deny it if you must, but the ghost soil is on our boots, under our nails and smeared across our collective psychic skin. -

34 117

There are powers that feed on the blood of battle. Shadows that delight in every war. Grow smiles in fields of death. If one wishes to oppose evil, one must always be against them. - taking on the Urabi Revolution, 1882

17 79

The English village is a place where darkness feels comfortable. -

32 174

The land is just layers of story. We are all its fictions, not the other way around.

38 100

It should be noted that some familiars are more trouble than they are worth. -

52 235

Those wild things glimpsed in woods are not separate from us. They are our echoes, we are their monsters. -

29 74

Folklore is both door and mirror to the hidden truths of place. -

23 53

There are roads in Hookland that make maps a lie. Roads that exist purely to lose travellers. -

8 30

To believe one is divorced from landscape, from folklore - that is a damaging madness.

44 73

Towers we thought were built to stand through time crumble in a day. Change is the only cruel constant.

16 23