Clonetroopers yoda jar jar binks padmé amidala and another padmé

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im soo into like clone culture stuff and i came across a headcanon where clonetroopers eventually create their own form of bastardised mando’a with their own accents and slang and uhm. ,, .. yeah thats canon SORRY !

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To all of those who have given their lives for the freedoms that I take for granted. No amount of thanks will ever be enough.

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the amount of times i had to reupload this bc of the mistakes i saw augh fuck

anyways i made more star wars ocs

i wanted to do some clonetroopers this time lol

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Another M*A*S*H Meme!! Of COURSE it'd be Hardcase 😂🤣

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An older meme I'd drawn!! Captain Rex is tired of the 501st, Cody is smug 🤣

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