Я посмотрела "Войны клонов" от Тартаковского, он - гений!!
Но меня просто порвало на сцене с C-3PO.Если считать,что эти серии урезали и склеивали в две часовых,то получается не за просто так его новый корпус так оголили перед зрителем 🥵😳😍🥰

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Today, on Nov. 7, 2003. The first Clone Wars came out. And it was first time as Obi-wan Kenobi. Congratulations on 19 years of Obi-Wan. I hope we have many more years with you as Obi-wan.

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"Battle of Coruscant - Flashback 2003"

Who else remembers this gem of a series?

Thanks always for the guidance

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I've been showing my son (3) by ky on and he just stops and watches in awe but today, when showed he shouted this! Ill leave it awhile before I show him anakin killing all the younglings....

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