この をやって作ったキャラです。絵を描いてみましたが、どれが好きですか?🤔


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大変申し訳ございません😭 タダ同然で400超のgameが遊べる にありました。 には無さそう。。。多分(;´Д`)ドキドキ。まだハゲ散らかしてない方は是非。約束された です。
乁(°ω°`乁)マジ神✧*。 https://t.co/HvjqtwFIjX

2 35

I hope that many people around the world will know about and play it.
In the touchpad is a dedicated UI.
It's not as good as the controller, but we're working on it to make it more comfortable to play.
Thank you.
From Director Kenji Anabuki.

42 301

Xbox本体を持っていなくても、いつでもどこでも手持ちのスマホで をプレイして頂けます!

We now support
Even if you don't have an Xbox console, you can play on your Smart Device anytime, anywhere! https://t.co/tkvcLv5whH

106 320

Big news! Spitlings will mark HandyGames' first release on Googles new Cloud gaming platform - Stadia. 😊😍💪


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