[Uncanny X-Men May 1987] I know this is a Walt Simonson cover, but that really looks like a John Byrne face on Dazzler! [#cmro M6662]

12 173

[Power Pack May 1986] “Dark Alex”?? Really!? Why does everything have to be political?!? [#cmro M6495]

3 20

[X-Factor Jun. 1986] The Alliance of Evil is back, and they’re after a mutant that X-Factor is trying to protect! [#cmro M6464]

9 114

[Iron Man Sep. 1986] I can’t remember: Was Happy Hogan always this ripped!? [#cmro M6453]

4 59

[Avengers Dec. 1965] I’m still catching up with Kang issues as he confronts the Avengers in 1965! [#cmro M419]

6 46

[Avengers Jun. 1986] The Avengers have to fight Kang in Limbo! (And are those Dire Wraiths in the background!? I love a stealth Rom crossover!) [#cmro M6429]

3 44

[Avengers May 1986] Perfect timing! Let’s see how the Avengers fare against Kang! [#cmro M6428]

12 80

This week’s logo covers the amazing Bill Sienkiewicz artwork from the Daredevil “Love and War” graphic novel, including his amazing rendition of Kingpin!

1 14

[West Coast Avengers Aug. 1986] Is it bad that I can’t remember who these guys are? [#cmro M6414]

4 43

[Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham Sep. 1986] The B-story is “Prince Kaymar, the Sub-Merchandizer”, which isn’t funny and doesn’t even have Steve Mellor’s artwork going for it. Hard pass. [#cmro M6411]

1 4

[Daredevil Aug. 1986] How did Captain America get involved in this fight!? Sorry Cap, but you really need to stay in your lane! [#cmro M6307]

4 30

This week’s logo covers the ending of Secret Wars II: The Beyonder absorbs the energies from all life in the universe, then creates a machine to be reborn in a mortal body…and then Molecule Man damages the machine, killing the Beyonder before he can be reborn.

2 8

[New Mutants Mar. 1986] Oh good, it’s another story where the entire superhero team tries to kill the omnipotent Beyonder. I’m sure this issue will be much more satisfying than the other thousand times they’ve done this same plot! [#cmro M6275]

4 29

The theme of this week’s logo is “new and former villains”: We have Puma in his Beyonder-killing form; the as-yet-unidentified Yellowjacket; the Porcupine (now deceased) who turned away from crime before he was killed; and the dutiful son, Ultron Mark Twelve!

3 13

[Thor Jul. 1986] Well we all knew it would come to this: Thor battles Balder! [#cmro M6251]

3 31

[X-Factor Feb. 1986] Wouldn’t it be “Baptism BY Fire”, not “Baptism OF Fire”?? It sounds like the fire is getting baptized! Anyway, this is X-Factor [#cmro M6239]

6 48

[Avengers Dec. 1985] An unexpected conflict has a surprise ending! [#cmro M6185]

4 63

[Daredevil Jan. 1986] Daredevil has to fight the Gladiator again. [#cmro M6184]

2 52

[Doctor Strange Dec. 1985] The Beyonder seeks enlightenment from Doctor Strange but gets more than he bargained for! [#cmro M6179]

9 47

[Defenders Oct. 1985] The Defenders have a flashback episode that is part film noir and part Marx Brothers movie. And honestly, the less is said about it, the better! [#cmro M6160]

2 24