COGA generated art

217 2023

Coga-generated image

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MENHERA JAPANは、ミオヤマザキ監修のもと、イラストレーター『COGA』( )が書きあげたNFTコレクションです。

世界でひとつだけの希少なMENHERA NFTを手に入れよう!

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Just finished tidying up another one of my designs from last Magical Girl March. This is one of the ones where I reused a Coga Nito character (Alison Walker), and she was one of my characters as well. She's art-themed!

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Almost all of mine are LGBTQ+ in some way, but here's a few highlights. Coga is Trans-Masc, Irradia is Non-binary, Sylver & Mitra are Gay & Married, Yd'ouzheth is Genderfluid (Currently male presenting) 🌈

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I have this little circle-cross pattern that I put on my protagonists somewhere. It started on my first (old old) comic, I put it on Eric's chest in Coga Nito too, and Liz instead has it on her upper arm in The King's Head.

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Lycia, Alsariq, Fareeha and Coga \o/

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1 of these 4 are trans, the rest are pan. Which one is it? Who knows. (Its the one with the fancy floating arms, their name is coga banubh ♡)

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No way to remake CoGA really in this, so ended up making an OC 🤣

Guess this is good inspiration for an audio, so will keep it on the back burner for now 😎

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スクウェア・エニックスのオンラインゲーム【戦国IXA】では歴戦の武将や姫達が美麗イラストのカードとして登場 毎月新たなカードも追加されています 5月分で追加された中の一人をご紹介もく⑦ その誠実さと勇猛さは武士の鑑と言われたキリシタン武将【高山友照】#戦国IXA

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I'm Toby, I mostly do webcomic stuff with my characters- a few years back I finished a 300+ page one called Coga Nito, and I'm currently working on a new one in the same setting called The King's Head, so look out for that (and maybe read Coga Nito in the meantime? Eh?)

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Since it is and I just got the first chapter cover for The King's Head coloured and done, here it is along with the little teaser page I put together to show off the banner image. King's Head will be up soon, but in the meantime, why not read Coga Nito?

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I'm Toby, a while ago I finished Coga Nito, and I'm working on a new comic using the same setting called The King's Head!
There's a blue forest world made of data that gives you powers! Who knows its purpose? It's more about what people use those powers for...

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A few years ago I did a webcomic called Coga Nito, about an alien data-world that people figure out how to access, and immediately bring all their agendas and issues into it.
I'm working on a second story in the same setting called The King's Head

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So there's the saying that life inspires art...Well...

was inspired by my outfit and made this amazing chibi of CoGA! He looks freaking awesome! Go check 'em out her art when you get the chance!

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commission by coga
너무 사랑스러워 ㅠㅠㅠ

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スクウェア・エニックスのオンラインゲーム【 戦国IXA 】では歴戦の武将や姫達が美麗イラストのカードとして登場 毎月新たなカードも追加されています 1月分で追加された中の一人をご紹介もく⑩ 扇谷上杉家の当主で 太田道灌との因縁浅からぬ【 上杉定正 】#戦国IXA

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Finished drawing a new CoGA emote for the Gray Archive 😁

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