illustrations of the irish apostles and saints by richard king (from left to right)

st. patrick
st. brigid
st. colmcille
st. columbanus

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18 July: Ss Dubogan/Dubh, Failbe Mac Cruaich Dibich, Enair/Januarius, Fintan a priest, Míanach son of Failbe, & Cellach. St Míanach might be of race of Conall Gulban; so related to St Columba/Colmcille. 🎨'St Columba Bidding Farewell to The White Horse' by John Duncan (1925)

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O santo que escolleu foi San Colmcille, antigo patrón da Irlanda e personaxe de fondo significado na tradición relixiosa e cultural da illa, que aínda no pasado 2021 festexou os 1500 anos do seu nacemento.

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Our primary school 1500 pack is now online, English & Irish, free. Thanks to all who contributed esp who researched & produced the pack & funders. Hard copies going to schools over next week or so..

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18 July: Ss Dubogan/Dubh, Failbe Mac Cruaich Dibich, Enair/Januarius, Fintan a priest, Míanach son of Failbe, & Cellach. Míanach might be of race of Conall Gulban; so related to St Columba/Colmcille. 🎨'St Columba Bidding Farewell to The White Horse' by John Duncan (1925)

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Two 17th century visual reworkings of St. Colmcille or Columba of Iona whose feast it is on 9 June, d. 597. Both turn him into a (JMcC/BM)

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Born in Gartan, Donegal, Colmcille was accused of stealing, inciting a battle and taming a monster. If he was still around, he’d certainly have been reported for throwing parties during Covid. Today, June 9th, marks his 1500th birthday.

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Happy Feast of St. Colmcille!
And thank you Derry for him, for John Hume, Seamus Heaney and the Undertones
What a city
An angel on every oak leaf

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Two 17th century visual reworkings of St. Colmcille or Columba of Iona whose feast it is on 9 June, d. 597. Both turn him into a (JMcC/BM)

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On the feast of Brigid - 1 Feb 1177: John de Courcy took Down(patrick) The Bodies of Saints Patrick, Brigid, Colmcille, patrons of were not long after 'discovered' there.

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I saw this farmer at an agricultural fair in Glencolmcille,Donegal and thought he had an interesting face.

watercolour 47 x 35cm

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or take in the trail I illustrated too! made by

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