I'm not an artist but i have picsart and colored this in!!

Idk anything ab colorpallets kr theory and just did this off memory so hopefully nome of em look too weird https://t.co/U7EDrJL7Xe

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Messing around with color palette with rat boy and rabbit man (and is definitely not an excuse to post art of them)


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Не то чтобы моя лучшая, но горжусь своим рисуночком. Плюс побаловалось с теми кистями что есть в этом приложении

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My Saiyan OC Toma in various color pallets belonging to various people. This was fun to do ;;

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I love this tool,could use this forever and making beautiful colorpallets from him ❤️😭(and I even name it like that xD) don’t mind the sketch picture on the left I’m working on a birthday present for one of my working colleagues tomorrow who gets 30 years old :)

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With my newest character Xia-min I am having a time figuring out what colors look best on her. To that end if you have any thoughts on which pallet you like just leave a comment!

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