Hey, what's your What are the comics that made you the reader you are today? Pick a handful of comics that were hugely influential to you as a young reader that you still think back on fondly. Here are some of mine:

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What’s my What are the comics that made me the reader I am today? Here are mine. Now you pick a handful of comics that were hugely influential to you as a young reader that you still think back on fondly. https://t.co/AbeX0Un9jV

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What’s my What are the comics that made me the reader I am today? Here are mine. Now you pick a handful of comics that were hugely influential to you as a young reader that you still think back on fondly... https://t.co/M2Sy9FNs1c

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Hey, what's your What are the comics that made you the reader you are today?

Unsurprisingly a lot of https://t.co/Q73sA248xh

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Hey, what's your What are the comics that made you the reader you are today? Pick a handful of comics that were hugely influential to you as a young reader that you still think back on fondly. Here are some of mine: https://t.co/DXjNrfjtE4

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"I think it's safe to say we all need something positive and fun in our Twitter timelines. So how about some Who are the four ‘modern’ artists that you became obsessed with as a young, new fan."


💛💜|🤍🖤 https://t.co/ADzzx0Ihor

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Is it too late to do Being a nerd-girl in pre-21st century Ireland was a toughie. I actually read a tonne of manga/comics in French before ever seeing them over in Dublin.

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