number thirtyone: Snatcher

Apparently something of a cult classic, I did enjoy this a bit. Not a lot. It certainly isn't as clever as it thinks it is, although some of the world-building and atmosphere was nice. Reeks of Hideo Kojima all over.

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number twentyeight, TimeSplitters 2.

I can see why this game has a cult following; I'd enjoyed multiplayer with friends before now (of course) but never really touched the single-player campaign til now. It's pretty good, if a little inconsistent in places.

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number fourteen, Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun

Like most console WRPGs of the '90s, this is jank up the wazoo. But not without merit, as I found it a fun enough romp with a banger OST.

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number twelve, after Prime 2 I decided to reward myself with a playthrough of my favourite in the series thus far, Metroid: Zero Mission.

Even the Zero Suit segment toward the end can't dampen my ardour for this one. Definitely among the top MetroidVanias IMO. <3

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number seven, Super Metroid

It still counts if I've beaten it like a hundred times before, right? Been binging on OC remixes of the soundtrack lately, made me really want to immerse myself in the atmosphere and world again. Glad I did.

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number six, Flynn: Son Of Crimson

A beautiful, *beautiful* game for sure. Get it here:

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number five, Final Fantasy VII (original, PS1)

I fall into camp "it's overrated" but can still enjoy this game for what it was and is; an enjoyable and slickly-presented RPG with a bombastic plot of world-threatening melodrama. Banger OST, too. Good, not great.

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Number four of is PowerSlave: Exhumed.

A remaster of sorts, of IMO one of the *best* FPS of the '90s; I think people weren't ready for it back then. A MetroidVania FPS with a focus on tricky platforming? Sounds like a rad AF indie game now tho innit. <3

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of my longer noon-arcade games beaten in 2022 is Phantasy Star II, beaten last night.

Showing its age in a few areas; but nonetheless a good experience on the whole, I'd say -- with some maps handy, as dungeons can get torturously-labyrinthine.

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Okay, 'games completed in 2022' thread. Not counting the arcade-style games I've beaten in 20 minutes, or it'd be a *long* thread.

- Shining Force II

This legend was my first RPG, and I come back to it occasionally. It's still good. I love strategy. <3

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