Hey comic book readers! This weekend 9.16-18, takes over @ 94 Dillmont in Columbus, OH. Discover new worlds w/ superhuman characters + enjoy family activities. Stay up on all news at https://t.co/72rjYbJNhr

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The power of SPECTRUM compels you! First sale of the day at and it’s my comic with art by

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Like Mura says "Jacuzzi Sundays"💦Much needed R & R before Monday.

Body: Legacy♥Head/Furry Parts: Cerberus Canis/Dobie♥Eyes: Song-Anime Bubble♥Hair: Doux-Malori♥Nails: Avada-Stiletto Nude Nails♥Outfit: Kaithleen's Sylvia Harness

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Since the shirt design was released here is my final artwork used for the design. It will also appear on the cover art for the program book this year.

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This weekend is PinzuCon 3 at the Magic Stick!! SO many fun vendors, definitely a show not to miss!!!

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All set up and ready to go. starts today! Stop by table W17 and say hi. I’ll be here all weekend drawing, signing and talking comics. Hope to see you!

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Starting tomorrow at Mohegan Sun Casino stop by and see two of the most fan friendly actors you can meet, talk horror, sci-fi, acting & more with &

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So excited to announce I’ll be in Artist Alley at the first ever on !
Going to have lots of new stuff to share, and of course I’ll have plenty of Ralphs!! Save the date!

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New sticker designs!!! All stickers are $5 with free shipping! I'm working on listing them on Etsy now, but you can always contact me direct or stop in at Nerdtopia!

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This week we welcome Robert Franzese, who you might know better as The Real Life Peter Griffin! We talk cosplay (), and confirm that the bird is indeed the word! https://t.co/VzlQ2uwV0Z

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I'll be at MomoCon this weekend learning stuff meeting people and doing cool things like hanging out in corridors and drawing/inking. Find me in the crowd and get a mystery prize of stickers and mini prints!

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