As says in the Lesser Hippias, "you will do me a much greater benefit if you were to my soul of than you would if you were to cure my body of


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Canito: We are going to be OK If we don't move.
Daniela: Hola!!!!!
Gabriel: YAAA!!! Soap ATTACK

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I hope people who can stay home are staying sane. I work as a delivery driver so I'm out all the time. Take all the preventative measures you can masks, gloves and all that.

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Encontré esta dinámica de dibujar tu versión del pero francamente no me es divertido caracterizar a una plaga tan fea Acepto que hay que divertirse para mantener la cordura en la pero no con algo que trae tantas penurias y muerte
Así que yo hice un hada xD

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Thread: Tomorrow I’m launching This is a project aimed at addressing anxiety amongst those self-isolating.

Each day I will share a jpeg of a drawing which can be coloured in. Colouring in is an excellent mind relaxation technique.

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