Jesse Watson makes applying gold leaf look effortless. ✨ But watching him run a workshop at Swash & Serif this summer, I saw just how impressive it is that he’s taught himself such a complex skill. Hear the whole story this Thursday at

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Have you ever dreamed about traveling, recording your experiences, and turning that into an art project? After living in Thailand for a year, Jacqueline Lai wrote a graphic novel to memorialize the story. Hear all about it at next week:

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Learning a new skill is one thing - teaching yourself is another. And becoming a pro? Not everybody can do it. But TOMORROW at Mike Lopez will tell us how he taught himself lettering, & where it's taking him now.

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What obstacles have you faced when you wanted to create something? Next Thursday, Micheal Jacques and his sister Kaila Jacques will share the story behind his book Can't Read, Can't Write, Here's My Book at 📚

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Next Thursday we'll hear the story behind the tiniest, most intricate paper cuts you've ever seen. Annyen Lam will be at to tell us all about her project Tiny Blades, and where this project has led her since starting in 2015.

Tickets here:

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