This is and intention - made every effort to derails UNSDG2030 since taking office
without a well planned all year round, and truly ....we risk to run next conference as a "carbon" copy of ...

4 6

„Klimakonferenz in Ägypten:
Irgendwo zwischen Durchbruch und Pleite“

10 19

Here's a flavour of the we've brought to , directly from the frontlines: the displaced, the young and the indigenous.
Voices that need to be heard - amplify them 🌍

7 12

„UN-Weltklimakonferenz COP27 – insgesamt längst nicht genug Klimaschutz:
Laut UN-Bericht könnte 1,5-Grad-Marke schon 2026 überschritten werden”

10 19