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“Because I learned a lot from Peter Parker. I learned a hero should be left to be a hero.”
(Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #19 - Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli, Justin Ponsor, and Cory Petit)
#JJonahJameson #DailyBugle
#SpiderMan #Marvel #MarvelComics
Do you think one day cory could be popular, and possibly be popular like snoopy and garfield (not as popular obviously but somewhat near that ball park)
“For the record, I have tried to stay calm through all this.”
(Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #7 - Allan Heinberg, Jim Cheung, Mark Morales, John Livesay, Dexter Vines, Justin Ponsor, and Cory Petit)
#ScarletWitch #XMen #Avengers
#Marvel #MarvelComics
No more Darcy?
Photo Cr. @Marvel's SCARLET WITCH #4 by Steve Orlando (@thesteveorlando), Sara Pichelli, Elisabetta D'Amico (@ElisabettaDAm12), Matthew Wilson, and Cory Petit (@corypetit). #Wanda #DarcyLewis #WandaVision
CARTOON BEATBOX BATTLES! Barack Obama VS Cory Baxter VS Scoop VS Chris McLean BEGIN!
The Death of Peter Parker ✨
(Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #4 - Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli, Justin Ponsor, and Cory Petit)
#SpiderMan #Earth1610
#MaryJaneWatson #AuntMay
#GwenStacy #MilesMorales
#Marvel #MarvelComics
Young-Omni-Man is easily one of my favorite costumes of the whole series. Funny that they essentially just revisited one or Cory's alternate designs for Oliver's first costume, but it feels like an appropriate age-up, going from his Robin to Nightwing era.
The Big Experiment 🧪 🔬 💥 We love this fantastic new illustration by Cory Reid.
Who would win in a game of musical chairs? Puff Puff,Mr.Krabs,Will Smith or Cory Baxter?
Love that Cory got to do a close up head splash too and love that this one mirrors Conquest as both these elder Viltrumites represent the extremes of either side of the conflict
@krissibarks cory loftis has been one of my biggest inspirations. Milt Khal as well :) rlly love how expressive and toony their humans are
Who would win in a game of musical chairs? Ridley,Kim-Jong Un,Morshu or Cory Baxter?
Jurassic Park 3 was one of the most influential anime of the 2000s alongside classics like How I Met Your Mother and Cory in the House