Relaxing is difficult. I'm drawing a lot of my staples recently, so It's only fair that I would come back to Meteor... I also did my background a little different this time.

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Somehow I've been doing way less perspective drawings than I wish I was doing. So this time I tried to draw based on a frame with cool perspective of Comet in her room.

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【pixivリクエスト】【コメットさん☆】ハモニカ星国の王女さま // ぴっちり銀色スーツ(水色ライン入り&水色手袋+水色ブーツ)左目ウインクのコメットさんです! リクエスト頂き誠に有難う御座いました! // 

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For this KFP/Magical Girl, I did Aflora, Lyla, Rosa, and Sakura as and

As they’re CranexViper kids and from

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