Day 12 (Xbox 360): Tomb Raider

2013’s Tomb Raider is the reboot the series needed. Giving player a young Lara Croft who would grow into explorer we all know. Survival gameplay at its finest, putting Lara through the ringer & launching a trilogy.

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Day 15 (Xbox 360): Fable II

Morality systems, interactive cutscenes and man’s best friend. There is so much more to Fable 2 than before and fans loved it. A deep world to explore and a quality game that everyone hopes the Fable series to return to.

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Day 18 (Xbox 360): Alan Wake

One of my favorite games by a studio Microsoft should’ve bought years ago. Alan Wake is a fever dream reminiscent of Twin Peaks/Twilight Zone. Players uncover the mystery of Wake’s missing wife. Remember, stay out of the dark.

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Day 24 (Xbox): MechAssault

Hey what happened to this game? In fact, where did all the Mech games go? MechAssault is one of the first online Xbox games. Classic online multiplayer with your variety of matching and all the mech combat you could want.

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