We're back from break 🎉 Cowatti is the first Electric-type Pokemon to appear in Sage! I thought about making a "kawaii" pun but I'm too tired to generate any graceful humor. So, enjoy this lil friend!

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(The Cowatti appreciation post)

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Some art that I did (a long time ago)


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This took me 2 years to complete!
Cowatti is an electric type fakemon from the Urobos region.

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People started asking us if we were kind enough to allow them for a ride. Unfortunately, I’m not really that friendly to strangers. But I do allow my pet to rest on my back :D

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This is one of my pokemon, Cowatti! He knows how to get out of the woods whenever we are lost while traveling using his Frequencey Sensors on his tail.

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Someone draw me and my very sleepy buddy, !
Art by

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I hung my Cowatti drawing on my Bedroom wall! I’m really proud of it!

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