My oc Eden! She's the one that brings all the creativity and dreams to bunkum!
Since bunkum is craftworlds neighbour, Eden can snatch a few dreams that are on their way to craftworld and release them in bunkums atmosphere, that's how it gets all its stuff (alt >)

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if ur feelin particularly YARR HARR, i gently slide u...elf pirate :)🏴‍☠️ this is arzhen—my corsair prince. he comes in sweet (craftworlds) and spicy (deldar) flavors

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I picked up the freebie Dire Avenger this weekend and want to paint it Craftworld Altansar

Ok, so do all Craftworlds stay blue for Dire Avengers? How do they differentiate?

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The different attitudes and opinions of different craftworlds on humans

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New round of sneak peeks. Tommorow we will reveal more on this boxart. :)
How do you like this ambience, interpretation, palette?
Painted by Marko

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I did a new cover illustration for the amazing new audio drama of !! You will LOVE it!! 😍😍 And there are more news with this audio drama... 😁💪

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For this weeks I have been finishing up some stuff for my craftworlds and drukhari army, hopefully will get back on with some AoS later in the week.

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You know how I've a soft spot for Eldar lore, especially for Biel-Tan?
I just again pondered how sad it is we rarely get any characters for specific Craftworlds. Besides Eldrad and Yriel we lack faces for most CWs. give me a cool, competent Autarch cleansing maiden worlds

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