久し振りに にクトゥルフを描いてもらった。


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Drawn by Craiyon, StableDiffusion2(img2img)
Watermark Free: https://t.co/EZs8F28Kml

AD: Search for Toy on Amazon https://t.co/FkSCS0Wi2B

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I have literally been generating AI images like MAD behind the scenes since DALLE AI and Craiyon took off, especially exploring Artbreeder Collage and following (not yet using) Midjourney on Discord. I've also dabbled with Prose Painter to paint some of my older sketches.

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Hideri kanzaki / Furtrap in Friday night funkin and as a furry

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Clonetroopers yoda jar jar binks padmé amidala and another padmé

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Ela me parece uma boa opção, já que é gratis, e complementa bem o que o Craiyon faz

ainda vou explicar no futuro como usar IAs em arte, mas garanto que isso é muito útil

aqui mais alguns exemplos (olha o estado do ultimo kkkkk)

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Re-l Mayer From ergo proxy in Friday night funkin

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So i used Craiyon to make digimons and i think i found my new oc digimon🚶‍♀️

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soft blur brushes the sky
cosmic lightning from such a distance
a fairytale midnight

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Drawn by Craiyon, StableDiffusion2
Watermark Free: https://t.co/vy4BDqxjbY

AD: AI Software and Resources to Help Your Business Grow https://t.co/gKdBpsk4kM

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Drawn by Craiyon, StableDiffusion2
Full Prompt: https://t.co/cHMKDo9DON

AD: AI Software and Resources to Help Your Business Grow https://t.co/gKdBpsk4kM

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