… founders keep building through the bear and soon the first utility (IRL boardgame) will be ready. Project is totally undervalued right now and a sleeping giant indeed!

4 7

Welcome to my fam … this beauty is my 11th critter and probably not my last 😍😍😍

5 12

Attending our weekly Game Night on Fridays doesn't only guarantee a fun time and prizes, it also gives you a POAP for each one you attend.
Cause we know Critters love free shit ;)


7 13

My favorite will have to be my Mecha Crank (pun intended). Aped into this project long time as theyre developing a boardgame, free for every holder. Building.. thats what we like.

3 18

Today I want to show you a masterpiece by
Who knows me also knows that my favourite critter has to be XRAY Megacrank!
It's not mine, yet.

2 17

We finished our Possum airdrop last week and everyone that held more than 21 Critters got this little badass 🥊
Which Possum did you get?

9 27