Quick drawing before the new Smash announcement, I don't think neither of them will join but I hope I'm wrong, sadly there's only room for one, who will be? 👀

7 35

Okay fine, Crash would make a nice last pick for Smash.
I still want Reimu the most though.

0 1

before the direct starts do any orange funny jorts wearing marsupials want to admit that they made it into smash 😳

52 195

já que amanhã tem direct novo, q VAI falar do Smash, e todo mundo parece q pensou na mesma coisa, eu fiz isso aqui pq eu quero MUITO ele no Smash!

10 31

Just made this! I think each fits almost perfectly!


30 190


The Bandicoots get some help from the funkiest duo in the universe.

that means them those guys they're cool

15 70

The actual situation with 🤣🤣
Yeeeeeees of cooourseeee keep waiting players

90 611

Just wanted to bring back some crash badicoot fanart i drew a while ago for no particular reason heh.. heh..

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