Moonfall on

On a first watch, expecting nothing good, as the title screams b rate disaster movie to me, which is the only reason I would’ve overlooked it, but it has aliens, and future tech ideas. I really enjoyed this movie 🍿


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Enjoyed the new predator movie, some things are weird, like all the Native American Indians speaking English with an American accent. Standard female empowerment trope, it is well done, action is well thought out. I will watch it again


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Ghostbusters Afterlife

This is how you do a sequel with respect for a franchise. I really enjoyed the movie, the cast was fun and an enjoyable family movie. I grew up with Ghostbusters & Afterlife is a fab addition


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Tokyo Ghoul on Prime

Dark adult fantasy. In a world where ghouls hide in plain site, and hunt the Tokyo backstreets, this anime has an ambiguity between good and evil, a real anti-hero story. Welcome to the world of a Tokyo Ghoul


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Spider-Man No Way Home

I loved this movie, the characters, the way it ties all the Spider-Man movies together & some shows. Amazing affects, great cast, lots of fun & memories. My fave film of the year I think. Great cinema movie.


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Hellsing on Netflix

This is an adult vampire cartoon/anime. I enjoyed this and binge watched it in a day. Some compelling twists and turns amidst the gore. I did feel the last season lost it’s edge a little but all in all, not a bad show.


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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

An amazing extension of the original film. The artistry of puppets and sets are a stunning tribute. Loved the Chamberlain and the crazy outcast. Fans can now see the Gelflings/world before they were wiped out.


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