Catch up with the amazing indie creators we work with in our series!

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We interview the creators who contribute to our because these folks are freaking INTERESTING! Catch up with our series here:

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We interview the we work with about their their and whatever other weird stuff they want to tell us! Check out the series at our blog:

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"[Comics are] some soul in an often soulless world. It's a lifeline out of the monotony of the struggle for money and things. It's a gathering space for ideas and vitality." — Creator in the series.

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"There's no 'correct' way to format a script. It's all about clarity and working together to tell the story." — writer in the series.

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"I do tend to like who take the occasional ass kicking." — creator "Kreepy" in the series.

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"If you keep going and doing what you do best, others will notice and then it's only a matter of time." — artist in the series.

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"No matter what the medium the story is told [in]...the most important thing is a good story with good characters." — writer in the series.

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"Don’t measure success by how many books you’ve done for this publisher or that publisher. Measure success by how many books you’ve done that you’re proud of." — writer in the series.

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"Say something that can be useful to people in their own life. Story and entertainment. Those are the things I look for in every story." — artist in the series.

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"You can experience something completely alien to you, simply by opening yourself up to another person's journey."— artist in the series.

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"The act of being different and being heard is radical in and of itself. I hope to someday get to a place where I can uplift other people’s voices as well." — Digital artist in the series.

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are so flexible. Anything can happen. It really just lets my imagination run wild. — cover artist in the series

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