See you in the creckhouse ser 🤌

0 4

That’s real Dope. We see you at the creckhouse 🤌🤌

3 10

Hey , Wen Comic?!

We ain't no pessies, so we had to hit you up at the Creckhouse... 🤌🏼

We think a 313 comic would be eye-cetching... 😻
Scratch that, we KNOW it'd be IRRESISTIBLE like Cetnip!

Lap up some Melk and enjoy this purrrfection 👇

76 185

I’m back I couldn’t leave a community that felt like home! Sorry I left in the first place, the feeling without the was misery.

26 96

Was sitting in the for staking announcement and oh man...
community is absolutely wild!

Sold 2 early and regretting it big time.....

Still sitting on a nice bag though - 😻😻😻

5 38

Scooped this for the low of 9. SHEEESH paperhands sleeping on the future of solana!


1 6