It took these five years to develop, you know.

💜 Joseph Joestar | AU
💜 Wandering another universe after his was…..?
💜 Expert Hamon user
💜 Unsure what events actually happened to him
💜 Possibly vampiric
💜 Continuation of @/RipplingThorns
💜 Written by

17 7

Don’t move.

💚OC | Original Verse
💜CW for Gore/suggestive themes
💚Trifected; Merman from another world
💜Vigilante, former Biology teacher
💚Can manipulate Sugar and Lipids; Celestial Envoy for a Sea God
💜Genetically mangled into what he is now
💚Written by

5 1

“Would you care for a cocktail, sir? You look like you could use it.”

❤️ Demon butler who accepts payment in clients’ hearts
❤️ Capable of shapeshifting; likes to take on the form of a cat
❤️ Can stop and rewind time
❤️ Dilligent, but stern
❤️ Written by

14 6