Auction live!
Stan - The Middle Manager

1/1 - 2 tez reserved
12h auction ends at 08:20 pm CEST

Link with his story in comment ⬇️

8 16

Special creature drop:
Stan - The Middle Manager

12h auction starting tomorrow 9th aug. 08:00 am CEST
1/1 - 2 tez reserved

Link with his story in comment ⬇️

4 14

Special creature drop:
Bob - The Tax Collector

6h auction starting tomorrow 5th aug. 13:00 CEST
1/1 - 2 tez reserved

Link with story in comment ⬇️

6 16

🚨Live Discord Shuffle🚨

Public Shuffle 45A


Shuffle Holders 40A

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GM Introducing our new Hamusuke family Foxie the fox 🦊🦊
mint on
ready for something new yeah..!! 🤟
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Opensea :

0 6