Creepz Genesis - Price Action Analysis
Floor Price: 1.5 ETH
24 Hour Volume: 43 Trxs | 58.91 ETH
Owners/Supply: 587/11111
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Creepz Genesis - Price Action Analysis
Floor Price: 1.749 ETH
24 Hour Volume: 93 Trxs | 158.89 ETH
Owners/Supply: 541/11111
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Creepz Genesis - Price Action Analysis
Floor Price: 1.38 ETH
24 Hour Volume: 91 Trxs | 153.61 ETH
Owners/Supply: 529/11111
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Creepz Genesis - Price Action Analysis
Floor Price: 1.6 ETH
24 Hour Volume: 67 Trxs | 94.25 ETH
Owners/Supply: 551/11111
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Minted Veefriend 1 back in may 2021 and was planning on HODL but saw and had to creep all in, zero regrets hands down best and most exciting commiunity in the space. Plus $loomi will cover it in no time LFG! LAGMI! Following back anyone with a creepz PFP

25 124

This is so fun! Loving everything about this community, especially when they come up with this kind of stuff!!!!

11 44

The Earth Invasion continues w/the launch of the & $loomi vault. Stoked that I have all five of the Shapeshifters.

Next up: they will be mutated into an animated Mega Musk which will earn from ongoing bribes!

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