Einäscherung Leichenschauhaustechniker Replika / ELTR / Eichelhäher

Pictured here is the one wearing a heavy heat resistant suit, her job is related to autopsy, cremation, and biologic / biomechanical waste disposal. Which means, both Replikas or Gestalts alike.

53 291

Hi, I have emergency commissions opened. My mother died recently and everything I earn is going into her cremation and service costs. Thank you in advance for checking these out!

0 1

Opening discounted WG sequence slots!
Normally they're $80USD each, discounted them to $60USD for a super limited time to pay an emergency cremation bill!

RT's and comments super appreciated!!

37 163


Any collector who burns these four artifacts will own the"Black Mamba".The cremation will take place from March 4-9.

Publisher: 🤝



14 35

Soooooo...my father died, and sadly i have to cover for the funeral and the cost for his cremation. More info below, and thank you for reading :/

11 12

🔴Mitalk🔴 Cremation Trivia

Edited by: @/erkhandweiss

9 20

opening a few more slots to help pay for Lilly's cremation ;

simple icons 20
full colour 35

please share if you can <3

24 16

Some of my recent edition buys ✨

After Hours by
Lost In My Thoughts by
Everything Reminds Me of You by
Cremation of Intimacy by

25 222

"焚書/book burning"

0 0

"By the time I'm done with you, cremation will be a mercy"
come get your boy. He's gettin' bones all over my lawn

20 94

Wishing you all a wonderful

The illustration below shows Dr William Price.

He was a vegetarian nudist and druid who believed in free love and herbal remedies 🌿

He is best known as a pioneer of modern cremation 🔥


31 116

Hello! Sorry that I haven't been active lately. Life's been tough.

I'm opening an emergency commission to pay for my late Tiny bb's remaining vet bills and for her cremation. 1/4

54 72

『Delicious cremation』販売開始しております!花の代わりに枯葉と燃える秋の美味しい幽霊ちゃん…🔥取り憑かれたい方は召し上がれ👻


1 2

10日程前にようやく体調が改善してちまちま絵を描いていたら、秋の絵を出すにはギリギリすぎる時間になってました!11月中はまだ秋!ですよね??🍂ということで明日21時に『Delicious cremation』を0.01ETHで販売します🖌自ら焼かれに行く焼き芋系幽霊です🍠👻

2 5

✨️This week✨️
all streams 7pm PST

Mortal Monday - open-air cremation discussion and checking out How to Say Goodbye

Thursday - More FFIX!

1 7

Early merch as a memorial to Stevie. The design was originally supposed to be done for my debut but considering the circumstances.... His cremation was a lot so any sales will be going towards paying it off.

Thank you.


22 20

Cremation is my last hope for a smoking hot body 😂🔥💪

0 1

❤️Emergency vet commissions 🐀!!
my late heart rat tango passed away yesterday and his brother Disco is currently being taken to an emergency vet. Cremation, emergency vet bills and me actually moving out has all piled on top of myself and my partner.
❤️pls share!

75 65

But what language did they speak and where did they come from? Many historians support an Iranic origin of the Burtassians, specifically a group of Alans who migrated north from the Caucasus. This is proven by the cremation-burials of the Burtassians and their Iranian swords.

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