Creon, Lucy/Devil, and King Dice face down one of the Devil’s agents, a weasel mob boss who turns souls into knives. Thanx every1 who came to stream

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‼️blood‼️ Thanx every1 who came to Saturday and last night streams. Basically what King Dice has been up to in this AU. doodle dump 1/2

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Inkwell Saturday stream! Gonna work on random sketches and maybe ramble about cringe $h!t

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Inkwell Saturday stream! Gonna work on sketches and try to finish replies in the ask-box. And maybe ramble about cringe $h!t

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"Inkwell Saturday." So how bout that season finale? Season 1C spoiler warning

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So the Devil is in trouble cuz his disguise was not so original after all. The Mayweather Clan ACTUALLY exist. Concept sketches of the family. Thanx every1 who came to streams

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Whole new level of "playing with your food." Creon just wanted to treat the boys with something that had been trending for a while in her dimension. Thanx every1 who came to streams

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I've decided to devote Saturdays to "Inkwell Saturday" since I'm always drawing Cuphead-related stuff. Today's subject: Playing with food. I'll be listening to Trash taste podcast while I draw

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(REUPLOAD due to mistake I found in this tweet) Creon after she watched the Devil paint the fence Fantasia style (2/3) Thanx every1 from past streams

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Reply to a question on my askblog (1/2) Thanx ever1 who came last week and last night streams

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Drawing stuff for ask blog. Pretty chill stream where I'll listen to Trash taste podcast

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work from last night's stream. So Creon didn't exactly "meet" the root pack

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Drawing stuff for ask-blog while watching another stream cuz I'm weird like that

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