quick catradora doodle in honor of them becoming canon!!! I love them so so much 🥺🥰 thank you Noelle and the entire crewra for making such an amazing ending! ❤️❤️❤️

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Thinking about how meaningful it is that She-Ra ended with two ladies in love, rejecting what an all-powerful religious dictator told them they had to be.
I’m gonna be thinking about it for a long time.
Thank you.

77 316

I have friends because of this show. People that I can talk to, people that understand me. I have places where I can be myself, where I am accepted.

Honestly, Thank you She-Ra, this has meant everything to me. 💖💙💜

0 4

I can't really believe that season 5 comes out TONIGHT! What an amazing, heart-wrenching, beautiful journey we've been on. I am so excited to see how it comes to a close. 😍😭❤️💙💜

93 377

Nothing makes a great show like great writers, and you can tell the She-ra crew was doing overtime to make the story the best it could be ✊

5 44

and many, MANY more for helping to make She-Ra the show that it is today! The writing, editing, producing, animation, visuals, music, EVERYTHING. We appreciate u guys! <3

6 54

We have to get to the heart.

for a show that’s touched the hearts of so many. It’s sad to see it end, but it’s been such an amazing journey. Thank you for these characters and sharing their story.


10 122

Yesterday's submissions to went far beyond our expectations. Today, let's give love to the Crew-Ra. To the storyboard artists, bg artists, editors, writers, directors, animators and everyone who worked on the show: it wouldn't be She-Ra without you.

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久々に深酒して爆睡( ˘ω˘ )スヤァ…

7 21