(wip) drawing sephiroth is so much fun but it’s also so unnerving

2 6

Post Canon Genesis isn't hurting for funds. He has wealth and profitable projects squirreled away everywhere. He is a genius after all.

He also has an onlyfans where all he does is read Loveless without a shirt on.

It paid for his flat.

1 8

Reunion 3/5. I found Zak at times annoying with the exception of encounters with Cloud and other points. Majority of the combat was fine except for the luck aspect for the spinning wheels stuff. The game has a emotional punch post final boss.

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Concept art for the secret "G" (Genesis) FMV is grouped with the art for "Villains Chained" in the Extra Features of DCFFVII.

Official Crisis Core guides refer to Genesis voluntarily sealing himself away in a "water prison".

8 45

Part 2:

21 - Zack
22 - Angeal
23 - Genesis
24 - Cissnei

25 - - Sephiroth
26 - - Ardyn
27 - - Kuja
28 - - Edea

3 4

✨ Cloud & Zack Anhänger✨

Und die Rückseite :3 Dieses Mal ohne Narbe. Wünschte nur ich hätte die Frisur verändert xD aber gut, dann beim nächsten Mal hehehe

Gibt's hier:


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✨ Zack & Cloud Kissenbezug 😚✌🏻✨

Ich liebe das Motiv zu den beiden und bin sehr dankbar für all die lieben Worte die wir dazu bekommen haben ;//v//; DANKE SEHR!

Den Bezug findet ihr hier:


0 2

Desde Diciembre trabajando sin descanso.

Espero que os guste el resultado.

A la izquierda, mi dibujo. A la derecha, el original.

9 55

Now that I'm done cackling at myself, please enjoy a little screen shot redraw render practice. So no one misunderstands I'm including the original screenshot I blatantly traced in the replies.

0 9

Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Cissnei

6 22

The limit break cutscenes.... I am never going to recover ;_________;

5 23



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