This was really hard to do! Haha, so many eyes!

7 25

Day Thirty-One: Darkmoon Isle 🎡
The most fearsome foe of them all!

4 19

Day Thirty: Naz’mir 🍐
Aren’t these guys weirdly adourable?!

4 18

Day Twenty-Eight: Vol’dun 🦊
Frolicking away in the dunes!

5 16

Day Twenty-Six: Zuldazar 🦕
Tree Stars!!!

11 27

Day Twenty: Nagrand (Draenor) 🍒
Not too happy with this background, but definitely happy with the Clefthoooooof!

3 12

Day Nineteen: Shadowmoon Valley (Dreanor) 🦋
This has been my favourite so far!

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Day Eighteen: Isle of Thunder ⚡️
A lightning beaver!!

3 14

Day Seventeen: Kun-Lai Summit 🐐
I have all of the animals done to catch up, I’m just going back and putting backgrounds to them now! Hopefully they’ll all be posted by today!

3 11

Day Twelve: Crystalsong Forest 🦌
So pure!

6 11

Day Eleven: Sholazar Basin
I’m so behind! But I’m steadily catching up! Also... Gorlocs!

5 12

Day Nine: Zangarmarsh 🍄
One of my favourite critters out there!

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Day Seven: Hellfire Peninsula 🐽
A... not so hellish Hellboar?

13 51

Day Two: Hinterlands 🐔
I wasn’t happy with the first one, so I revised it a little :) Enjoy!!

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