happy halloween !! thanks for following along this :) I hope you enjoyed them!

5 28

Here’s Pakasuchus for Day 31 of themed Art Challenge!

Happy Halloween and thank you for 200 followers!

17 128

And here’s Arizonasaurus, a battle worn Gangetic gharial and Armadillosuchus for Day 26~29 of themed Art Challenge!

The Gharial looks like some speculative evolution animal ;(

21 76

Here’s Confractosuchus, “Asiatosuchus” and Kinyang with its young for Day 22~25 of themed Art Challenge!

23 93

day 27!! love these little dudes

2 19

a little guy for day 26 ! pet at your own risk ....

7 19

day23 Perental care
Ok, this stomatosuchus looks a little bit bad... well I still have much room to improve.

5 15

Día 19
Paleo-ilustración del “Gavial marino “
Piscogavialis .jugaliperforatus

3 43

Have my crocodile Boots wearing crocs boots 🐊

Retweets, likes and comments are super appreciated ✨

13 26

03: It's Totodile! Pokemon Silver was my fav pokemon game as a kid. I put hundreds and hundreds of hours into it.

21 73

Brachiosuchus kababishensis for Croctober

64 493

The Tanzanian Maneater, Crocodylus anthropophagus for Day 5 of themed Art Challenge!

7 34

02: It's everyones favorite back pack wearing, trinket collecting, 90's platformer icon!

23 139

Happy 🐊🐊🐊 Let’s fill social media feeds with crocodilians! 🙌

52 175

Someone told me it's Okay guys show your Crocs or when you don't have one, just become one!

27 181

I wish the word Croctober will be the most tweeted thing so I see it on the trending tab

73 322

Riojasuchus tenuisceps for Day 3 of themed Art Challenge! ( I may have put too much Crocodylian influence on it lol )

12 78

Batrachotomus kupferzellensis for Croctober

35 238