Sometimes all it takes to open up the most caged of hearts is a simple look and a smile.

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Deyaa- Xiao's Husband of a forced marriage, and a very desirable Prince.
This boy is nothing short of rotten, prissy, bitchy and vain. He only sticks to Xiao basically because of the money, occasionally seeing eye to eye.

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Millecent n Murphy- the thugs of the inner circle.
they are anti-social, rowdy and loud, perfect for the collection jobs Darla has them doing.

if someone needs to be hurt- they will be happy to do it.

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Sweeney Nandemoya, CEO of Starlight- a massive chain of Casinos and Escort houses, he is one of THE MOST famous people in Crookedstone and he takes the role of the other rival to Darla.

he is sleaze incarnate~

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Here's Sterling! with some colour tweaks Although he's still the same, overworked, tired and annoyed butler~ ehhe exept with the added role of a "Guardian" putting him way up there in strength when he needs to be

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Finally these two gremlins get their updated refs,,,
Darla and her brother and right hand man Davey!
it's,,, been so,,, long

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Josiah is an UNFORGIVABLE MAN, he's vile and disgusting, and should be strung up by his smug neck

AND I MISSED HIS BIRTHDAY 😭😭😭 So I finally got off my ass and updated his ref!

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Crookedstone's three loyal pillars, Barons of three very important systems in the city, NOT to be trifled with.
As much as they trifle with you 👀👀👀

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Pin would gladly be your best friend... but his hunger can be hard to manage 👀
He's flighty and fickle, more feral than anything.
certified tiny bastard what WILL eat you eventually.

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Lord Alexander Adelio.

General in Chief Allastier Harwin

Chief Medical Doctor Mattathias Gilleyflower.

each MAJOR Players in Crookedstone, once part of the former government, now they answer to Darla, however rocky that may be 👀

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This.. is Summer Sunshine! future predecessor and "princess" of the Crookedstone mob, spoiled rotten by her mother and fawned over, Summer is bratty, demanding and rotten to the core, very smart too..

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This is Sterling! he's Darla's "Butler". overworked but loved.
He's somewhat fed up with it all 👀👀 I would'nt push his temper if I was you.

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Sweeney Nandemoya
He's the owner of a brand called Starlight! it takes up 90 percent of Crookedstone's perverse needs
Sween himself, he'c charming, suave, polite and firm, although like the rest of them he is no where near morally right.

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Meet 'Doc'!

Doc here is Darla's medical officer, a jittery chap who shouldn't be playing with medical tools but he's surprisingly very good. Darla herself has a very strong need to protect him.

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