Лунное. Солнечное.

Автор дизайнов whydidthechickencrosstheroad
Арт мой

0 17

I don't know if he won the talent show or not, but he has definitely won our hearts~❤️

1 18

And today we have, yes, you guessed, it, another Aya pun. 😌
Oho, Sura's face looks even more unamused than usual. 😝 Is your face like that now, too?

2 10

Chicken: “hey buddy!”
Egg: “why’re you over there?”
Chicken: “huh, yeah funny story...”

Week 9 Wave for

1 15

And still they come! Here is a common sight: a male on the look out for a female to hitch a lift to the lake on. Please keep coming to patrol & They wont make it without your help!

5 17