"I basically killed you, Roschter!"

Name: Zephyrus Phoetonic
Species: Feathered Draxae
Prn: They/Feather/Talong/Wing/Star

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Hello! I’m Dragon! I’m a writer and artist. Mainly I do work on OCs but I will do fandom work occasionally. Most of my content goes under the tag.

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"I should've gone with Zephyrus to confront her, Theseus."

= Info =
- Name: Roschter Wathers -
- PN: He/They/Stone/Rock-
- Rock Drake -

4 7

"Why can't you just fucking admit you killed them!"

= Info =
- Name: Draceus -
- PN: She/Guard/Scale/It-
- Goddess of Life & Dragons-

4 11

It felt like they were staring at a ghost of themself

= Info =
- Name: Zephyrus Phoetonic -
- PN: They/them -
- Feathered Wyvern-

5 12

"Zephyrus, where have you been? Where's Jingo?"

= Info =
- Name: Hyacinth Hearse -
- PN: He/Acid-
- Acid-Spitter Wyrm-

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