You can't help yourself from falling... Read Page 44 of Crusaders Next here!

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For my next trick, I'll make this unicorn... disappear
Read Page 42 of Crusaders Next here!

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The curse of wanderers, where you will have people constantly and haphazardly wander exactly where you don't want them to. Read page 41 of Crsuaders Next here!

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It's time... to d-d-d-d-dddddd-run away! Read page 39 of Crusaders Next here!

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Oh. Sure. Of course he runs like that. Read Page 34 of Crusaders Next here!

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... anyone else suddenly feel like donuts? No? Just me? Read page 29 of Crusaders Next here!

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How dare you be darker and edgier than me, sir. Read Page 26 of Crusaders Next here!

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Bolt do a trick =D Something I drew as a notification pic for my Twitch streams, look at him be cute 🦊#crusadersnext

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