Popoeilo character concept art and final key art.

He was based on an unnamed (then) azhdarchid fossil from Dinosaur Park Formation. The azhdarchid is now known as Cryodrakon.

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Cryodrakon ❄️🐉

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An awesome diorama illustrating an environment from the Dinosaur Park Formation in Canada. It features the azhdarchid pterosaur Cryodrakon!

Design by


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Pterosaur bundle pack. Featuring Cryodrakon, Azhdarcho, Tropeognathus and Thalassodromeus.

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This partial Cryodrakon skeleton is from a juvenile. Adults may have had a 10-metre wingspan. The tibia has tooth marks and a broken Saurornitholestes tooth embedded in it, the first of its kind in a Cretaceous fossil, evidence of scavenging. Art © .

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The fossils were initially thought to belong to one of the largest flying reptiles ever known, Quetzalcoatlus. In 2019, researchers recognized it as a new species, and named it Cryodrakon boreas, ‘cold dragon of the north winds.’ Art © Gabriel Ugueto

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Did you know ...that, as tall as giraffe, Cryodrakon, meaning "frozen dragon of he north, and found in Dinosaur Provincial Park, was a flying dinosaur with a 10 m wingspan. https://t.co/ZfwkYAOqti

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For some from 2016: the azhdarchid that would eventually become Cryodrakon is scavenged by a variety of dinosaurs and pterosaurs. I should do top-down views more often, they're fun to execute and interesting to look at.

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A pair of Cryodrakon fighting for their food.
Based on a part of Psychonauts: The Forgotten Children

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On this we done:
- An Pink Translucid Haikouichthys
- Dead Gyrosteus in the Beach
- Cryodrakon in the Ivan Seal style
- Sinraptor in the Ivan Seal Style

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Results from flocking together! Haikouichthys, Gyrosteus, Sinraptor and Cryodrakon.

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크리오드라콘(Cryodrakon boreas)
캐나다 엘버타 주에서 발견된 한때 케찰코아틀루스의 화석이라고 여겨졌던 일부 표본들이 모식표본과 차이가 있음이 인정되어서 '얼음의 용'이란 뜻의 크리오드라콘이란 학명으로 재명명되었다.

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I did this recon of Cryodrakon a while back but I realized I never showed it. Cryodrakon was a large Azhdarchid pterosaur from late Cretaceous North America. I like to call these large azhdarchids Gitaffe-storks. And yes, yes they could fly.

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Flame On. Private commission for showing Dinosaur Park forest fire with a pair of Cryodrakon (or similar) passing over stampeding Styracosaurs. A3 mixed media on black paper.

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For here's some of the newly-named azhdarchid Cryodrakon made several years before the specimen was named. The two older images here are from 2009 (a whole decade ago!) and the newer, prettier version is from 2016.

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Inktober days 9-12
Swing: Miragaia and Lourinhanosaurus
Pattern: Platecarpus and Tusoteuthis
Snow: Nanuqsaurus
Dragon: Cryodrakon

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Well, it looks like this poor Cryodrakon is living (or dying) up to its name; it was downed during a storm and eventually succumbed to the cold, as it tried to shelter in the gully of a frozen river.

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