No longer welcome back to his homeland, he joined a pack of brigands who are willing to do any nasty job as long as the Mynt's good. But, being a former Prince, is he really cut out for this rough line of work?

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いよいよ本日より2020年12月27日(日)までブラッスリー「Vicky's」では、#スクウェア・エニックス「#CRYSTALSTORY -不思議の森と女神-」とのコラボレーションメニューがスタート!この機会にぜひお召しあがりください。

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Done a quick doodle of the cute lass in Crystal Story 2

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More concept of art of the Yokels, created by ! :D I think she did an awesome job! 😎

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Taking a break from my regular routine to let you all know there's less than 48 hours left to back the Kickstarter! :D Check it out:

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Just a quick shoutout and huge THANK YOU to for the rt and kudos for the campaign! Congrats on the Mother's Cookbook for reaching 520% funding!! :D we hope to join you with ours:

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