sketch done for @/CrytekDiablo 💖

81 492

Warframe X Crysis
Excalibur as Nomad
Game Crossover

"Remember my name..."

11 73

Bruhhh this game hella Sucks... no lie I saw the gameplay of it the Remastered version Crytek thinks it's okay to release this but having input delay on controls is SERIOUSLY Srupid af they should have fixed the controls before releasing this but the graphics look Nice but Dumb.

0 2

Crytek: Ni con una RTX3080 corres Crysis Remastered en 4K/30FPS porque el juego está mal optimizado adrede para que el meme reviva

CDProjekt Red: Papi con ese i5 de tercera gen y una GTX780 vas relajao para Cyberpunk 2077, echale bolas y disfruta tu vaina

14 39

[週アス] 『Crysis Remastered』のPS4/Xbox One/PC版が9月18日に発売決定: Crytekは8月25日、Saber Interactive社と共同で開発した高画質FPSタイトル『Crysis Remastered』のPlayStation 4/Xbox One/PC版を、2020年9月18日に発売すると発表した。価格は、3599円。

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Crytek : "la PS5 est bien meilleure que la Xbox Series X pour travailler"

12 26

The Prophet, another piece of fanart about the game 💀👊

1 17

I never finished this entry of the series...


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Crytek Releases Hardware-Agnostic Raytracing Benchmark "Neon Noir"

2 7

has posted its new development roadmap. CryEngine 5.6 will add layered microfacet materials and new cloth and ragdoll physics. Next year's CryEngine 5.7 will see real-time ray tracing and a major animation update

2 9

Originally from 2007 when Crysis was released on PC. Only difference is now I painted a new background and adjusted the levels as well as added some small weather effects like rain.

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