Barusan beresin lemari dan ketemu art! oc mlp dulu pas sd, jadi kugambar di csp. Kalau kubuka cOmm1s kuda poni ada yg minat gk ya wkwkwk 🤣🤣

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Pertama kali nyoba buat art! pake csp. Kelar kaga, lama di cari tools, 15menit cr simbol buat flip. Kuatkan sender 💚

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Setor wip art! First time buat karakter byk di ibis biasanya buat di csp. Doakan smg hp ini tidak duar. Sekalian 🐄tualan yukk

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Setor rkgk art!
Tone curve di procreate lebih enak dipake drpd di CSP. Kalian lebih tone curve yg mn?

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Fun fact;
These drawings are done in Medibang 🎨
Below was just around the time b4 I was exposed to CSP.

Not so fun fact;
Drawing was rendered initially but it crashed, and i didn’t tap the save button. So that was painful 💀Wish it had like an autosave feature thatd be nice.

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Jangan pake brush yang ujungnya tajem, jan lupa juga pake brush yang stabilizernya rendah. Contoh di bawah ini pake brush pencil bawaan CSP. Menurutku, kalau mau gambar rkgk itu nggak semua tempat perlu detail. Misalnya mukanya detail, rambutnya enggak. Atau sebaliknya.

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Dorian, from my story The Bone King, got his redesign, and I am happy with his look. I have recently switched to pro*create and leaving CSP. So I'm still learning it but yay!
He'll sometimes have antlers, so I need to draw those on him too. Lol

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OK il est 5h30... et je suis encore sur CSP... ^^'

Bon, on va peut-être aller dormir ? ^^'

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Chibi BeeBee
Again I tested coloring and layer settings in CSP. For now, I like the progress cuz my colors look now more vivid.

Also purple become my fav color for shading lol

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Tried a new technique on CSP. I love the pose on this project the best out of all the other projects I’ve done so far


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I just opened Yunjin painting file, copy the layers setup from Sai and brought to CSP, process to re-paint.
Left is Sai, Right is CSP.

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1 hour and a few mins to do this in csp. I could do that in a few minutes in aseprite.

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An older piece from early 2021, when I was still figuring out CSP. I never shared it here, but thought y'all might like to see it. 🤗

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A simple overlay can be made by finding a high resolution paper you like, making it higher contrast, and monotone, then using “screen” as your layer setting in Photoshop, Procreate or CSP.
The difference between these two pages is purely the use of a paper overlay at 25% Screen.

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Такі присіла й зробила від пані Гаївки. Трошки повеселилась з маркерами та додала шарму в CSP. Сподіваюсь в моєму стилі ця леді лицар теж нічогенька.

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Aujourd'hui j'ai enfin reçu mon stylet. Aujourd'hui j'ai acheter la V2 CSP. Aujourd'hui je suis pleine de motivation. AUJOURD HUI JE VAIS TOUS DEFONCER 😎💪💪💪💪

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Here's the 3 quick comms I ended up doing to pay for CSP.

Thanks a ton to @/temmssmdisnas ,@/shima and @/SrokaVtube for requesting them.

Hope they are to everyone's enjoyment~

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Thank you for suggestions :D Still figuring out clip studio but its getting easier the more i do it.

I'll prob keep sketching and lineart on procreate but SCREENTONES I AM IN LOVE WITH THEM. Coloring also looks better in CSP.

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Just moved from Krita to CSP. Then i drew this boy ✨🍁

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Todays episode on learning csp. Not really my style yet but it's there, I guess 😅

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