Oh. My. GOD!!!
Thank you so much!! 😭😭
I can't even... grmerglperlg 💛🧡

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Festival Of Dragons!
My entry for 22nd International Illustration Contest 🐉🐲

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幫忙貼文按讚支持下─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ

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Illustration of a sleeping fox I completed for !! I submitted it earlier today as I finished just in time!!! This took me so long to do haha, I hope you like it!!!💖

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My submission for the Clip Studio Contest 'Animals'! I pushed myself to make a background and more of a story, and used inspiration from the house in Kiki's delivery service for the colors :)

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🌿The essence of nature 🌿

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동물을 테마로한 인터내셔널 일러스트 콘테스트에 참가했습니다. 작품명은 '간식 시간' Snack Time 입니다.
❤️와 알티는 사랑입니다 쿠키와 동물들의 이미지를(+의인화) 소재로 작업한 일러입니다.

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동물을 테마로한 인터내셔널 일러스트 콘테스트에 참가했습니다. 작품명은 '카스텔라 코기' castella corgi 입니다. ❤️와 알티는 사랑입니당😊 디저트와 동물을 주제로 그린 일러입니당🐶🍞

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동물을 테마로한 인터내셔널 일러스트 콘테스트에 참가했습니다. 작품명은 '행복한 오후 ' With Nice buddies at the nicest moment 입니다. 💕와 알티는 사랑이에용😊

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My entry for the 23rd International Illustration Contest by Clip Studio Paint! The theme was "Animals" and I had a blast drawing these cats :D
Maybe I'll turn them into a pattern?

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“#cspcontest23” 이번에도 괴물들 사이에 껴서 공모전 참가해봅니다.

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My entry for clip studio paint 23rd illustration contest!
yep das my cat :(🙏

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