ctcspoilers / ctcthread

gay asf

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread


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ctcspoilers / ctcthread

YIPPEE i can now inject this character with one sided pining

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread

im shaking them

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread

these expressions are so good

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /


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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

MEEE FUCKING TOO DUDE. also i love this shirt...

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

the guilt...

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /


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ctcspoilers / ctcthread

he's emotional hes wonderful your honor

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

hes so scrunkly. i love lilium being rude

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

YEAAAAH i love this kind of design so much

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

i know not everything has to be gay but my ass has to diagnose laurence as one-sided gay pining who was worried about iris eventually leaving/getting into trouble which is why he grew distant/angry with him. man.

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

hold on this hurts a little

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

i love stupid transitions like this they're my favorite god help me kdhgsjg

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

oh yes i love stupid bullshit like this. when yukari used her gaps she always calculated coordinates and degrees like this in her brain

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

yeah okay me too

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

i am consumed with grief.

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

nooo this is too real

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ctcspoilers / ctcthread /

haha no not the total disillusionment of society and authority because you've been sheltered all your life haha nooo

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