Drew best girl, Cteno, getting some symbiotic tiddy action from my best girl, Lillium. Lillium can alter her host's form along her, giving Cteno some of what she really loves.
Doodled this idea back during Slug's birthday and polished it up for the contest

4 44

Trash thing for that I don't know the context or the reason behind but I made it anyway

4 38

I don't know if its too late for the contest, but anyways here is my submission for Slugbox's

9 60

I couldn't do as much as I wanted with 2 days, but I hope you like this simple rig! I've been learning Live2D for the past few weeks and thought I'd try designing and rigging Cteno! Still art and mesh below main post 💙💛❤️

8 146

Branching out in art is always fun. Joined the because SlugBox is one of my art inspirations!

20 121

She finally found a pair of skates big enough for her bug feet! And man is she trying her best. (...even though her arms and tail give her an unfair disadvantage balance-wise).

7 50

Big ol thanks to you Slug! I love your streams and your characters, and literally everything you draw! Watching you has helped me improve a lot. Left I just finished and right is from 4 months ago! 🥰

6 52

Closer to the warmer months means tan line Cteno. For 💕

52 359

When we finally gonna get those official (or bootleg) Slugbox LEGO sets? Probably never

17 269

I've been waiting for a excuse to draw Cteno

35 229

Beauty. Artistry. You're welcome.

9 140

Omg....phew....draw for this is the first time that i "finish" a in 4 hours....it has a lot of details but..... wew... not enough time, i will make a NSFW version for sure :3

13 142

If I win the leggings, ima wear them to work and it'll be amazing.

For 's

6 93

i forgot to put a bikini on the fun one.
enjoy it

6 40