“I want to challenge museums to think outside of the box...” | on museums' role in our wellbeing and working with Paintings in Hospitals https://t.co/pi8hAp7uc4

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"Drawing connects us to the world." | Simon Carter on what art brings to his life in the fifth of our blog series. 60 personal stories about Read more: https://t.co/Chv7ZIfuEM

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From 2009-2011, we worked with passionate young people from to develop a new art collection for young patients. The outcome included 4 animated films from and 3 new commissions from . More: https://t.co/dAkBjRMQj8

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"The artwork that we create does not need to be good, it is just a process of transforming stressful feelings into something that we can control." 🙌 | Coping with Through Art https://t.co/5RJFodqjY4

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