highelf gunslinger ( chara) barovian wiz ( chara) my drow bard and little girl (daugther of said gunslinger and her bloodhunter gal)

6 24

let's see who lives to tell the tale, let's see who lives to see the sun rise tomorrow

5 36

The risk of having to wear armor looted in a dungeon

2 14

get you a man that can be both

(pic1 post epic sex, pic2 same man being a huge cowardly dufus afraid of a very ugly but friendly chimera)

2 12

i coloured it.
tsk tsk people coming from warm climates do not like Barovia's weather.

5 19

i had this in my mindworkshop for a while X°D

2 13

so.... i just coloured it.
it almost look like it was intentionally good <3

1 9

More tarots from my party in !! this time pg Bran (The Justice) pg Reomi (The Strenght) and pg Leuri (The Magician)

6 14